

Baskin Robbins’ is categorized under monopolistic market competition. It is a luxury product that has an elastic demand from the consumers. The demand is affected by the price of the product. When the price of the product decreases, the demand of the product increases. In a promotion, more consumers would purchase the products but when the consumers’ income increases, only some consumers would purchase more products. When the price of Baskin Robbins’ is lower, some consumers would buy the substitute while some consumers would stick to Baskin Robbins. The most influential demand factors would be the taste, flavor choices and quality of Baskin Robbins’. Overall, the consumers have a good satisfaction towards Baskin Robbins’. In order to make the research to be more reliable, the sample size all the data should be higher in order to get more results from the consumers. As more results are taken, the data of the research would become more reliable. With a reliable source and
data, a more specific interpretation could be done. The respondents should be consumers from different lifestyles not just students from Taylor’s Lakeside. The students in Taylor Lakeside received their allowances from their parents which mean that the consumers do not need to work hard in order to get the money to purchase goods. Taylor Lakeside students’ willingness to spend might be higher than other consumers because the students do not understand the hardship in getting the money. If the research is done outside the campus, the results of the surveys would be different. Baskin Robbins’ consumers are consisted from different type of consumers and not just campus students. Lastly, the survey questions should be easy and easy to understand by the consumers. Consumers might have different interpretation of the questions if the questions are too complicated.

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