Finding and Analysis

Finding and Analysis

1.  Preference in selecting ice-cream

A demand is the desire and ability to consume certain quantities of a good and service at a certain price at a particular point of time while factor of demand is the factor that’s affects the demand of consumers towards the product. In this research, there are a few factors of demand listed down as shown in the table above. Based on the data, taste of product has the highest frequency which is 19 among the rest of the factors. This shows that consumers preferred products with a better a taste in order to satisfy their desires. Next would be flavour choices which have 11 frequencies. Each consumer has different preference and it is the company’s job to satisfy the consumers’ desire. This shows that Baskin Robbins’ is able to satisfy their customer desire by providing a high variety of flavour choice. Besides that, quality of product has the third highest frequency which is 7. Consumers with higher standard of living would prefer products with higher quality. Baskin Robbins’s was able to fulfill the demand by providing good quality products. Brands of the company do not play much of an influential demand factor as it only 2 frequencies. This shows that the consumer did not purchase Baskin Robbins’ for its popularity. Packaging and purchases convenience too did play an important demand factor for the consumers to purchase Baskin Robbins’. Both factors only have 2 positive responses from twenty respondents. It is concluded that the factors is insignificant and not influential. Based on the data concluded, the three main demand factors of Baskin Robbins’ are the taste of the product, quality and availability of variety of flavour choices. 

2.  Would you buy Baskin Robbins during promotion?


From the data collected all the respondents that they would purchase more Baskin Robbins’ product during a promotion. This also shows that Baskin Robbins’ is an elastic demand because the demand is sensitive to price changes. When 1 unit price of Baskin Robbins’ decreases, more than 1 unit Baskin Robbins’ product would be sold off. This also shows that Baskin Robbins’ is a normal or luxury products. Based on the data, more consumers will buy Baskin Robbins product when the price of the product decreases. Different consumer got different level of income. Due to that reason, different consumers have different sensitivity towards the change of the price. In this scenario, all respondents would purchase Baskin Robbins when the price decreases.

3. If your income / allowance increase, would you buy more Baskin Robbins ice-cream more than before?

This question is to find out the consumers’ willingness on spending more money on Baskin Robbins’ product when their income increases. Based on the data, a majority of 11 respondents stated that they are willing to purchase more products when their income increases. Besides that, 9 respondents are not willing to spend more on the products even though they have a higher income. Some of the consumers are unwilling to spend more money on the product because some of them might already set a limited amount of money on how much that they would  willing to spend on the product. There are several reasons for the unwillingness of the respondents.

The main reason of respondents’ unwillingness to purchase more Baskin Robbins’ product would be the health issues that they might face if they consume too much ice cream. The respondents are more conscious about their health than satisfying their wants. A minority of 1 respondents thinks that Baskin Robbins’ is expensive and even when the consumers’ income increase, the consumers might not buy more of the products due to the price.

4. If the price of others ice-cream products is cheaper compare to Baskin Robbins, will you change purchases to the cheaper ice-cream? 


A majority of 11 respondents shows that they would not buy other substitutes while a minority of 9 respondents stated they would buy other substitutes when Baskin Robbins’ substitutes offered a lower price than Baskin Robbins’. This shows that eventhough Baskin Robbins’ have substitutes products, the substitutes merely a similar product but differentiated by other factors such as flavour choices and taste. This means that Baskin Robbins’ product is unique and does not have close substitutes.

5.   Rate Baskin Robbins from scale 1 to 10

This data is to find the satisfaction level of consumers toward Baskin Robbins’. A maximun of 9 and a minimun of 6 are given by the respondents. With the average satisfaction of 7.63, we concluded that satisfaction of consumers towards Baskin Robbins’ is above average. 

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